Attendance bursaris
Final event of the “Towards innovative mixed-methods approaches to studying living multiculture in small cities” seminar series organised by Stef De Sabbata, Katy Bennett, Matteo Dutto, Maarten Loopmans and Giorgia Mascaro and funded by the (USF Seminar Series Awards).
Held in Prato (Italy) on September 9th to 11th, 2024.
Bursaries (closed)
As part of our USF Seminar Series award, we had funding to cover the travel and accommodation costs for some of the participants. The applications for bursaries closed on August 5th, 2024
- A 500-word project outline, presenting an idea for a project to be further developed during the meeting in Prato
- The idea could outline a project such as a study leading to a paper or a grant application, but we are open to other projects as long as they can demonstrate they will lead to a concrete impact
- The project must focus on
- multiculture
- mixed-method comparative approaches
- at least two cities, including at least one of Leicester, Prato and Antwerp
- The project can involve
- one or more people
- from one or more institutes
- The proposal should outline
- the nature of the project and related literature
- a short summary of the activities you plan to complete during the meeting in Prato (e.g., brainstorming, writing, research planning, etc.)
- Please note that you must not conduct any active research during the meeting in Prato
- A 200-word equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) statement reflecting on how the proposed team and project will engage with the EDI values outlined in the USF Code of Conduct.
- A 300-word personal statement outlining why you are asking for funding, including
- Your current role
- A statement confirming that you do not currently have other funding that you can use for travel and accommodation to attend the meeting in Prato
- Any further information that you would like the organisers to take into account with regards to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and whether you identify as part of any group which is commonly under-represented in academia.
- Note: The funding will be allocated following EDI principles. Priority will be given to participants who have no other source of funding for travel and accommodation and whose salary would be most impacted by such costs – e.g., early career researchers. Priority will also be given to individuals from under-represented groups. Request for additional funding related to extra-ordinary care or disability support costs will also be taken into account, based on available funding.
- An estimation of your expenses
- This will allow us to fund as many bursaries as possible.
This workshop is supported by a Seminar Series Award from the Urban Studies Foundation, grant reference: USF-SSA-230312.