4 Data wrangling Pt. 1

Stefano De Sabbata

This work is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

4.1 Working with RStudio

4.1.1 R Projects

RStudio provides an extremely useful functionality to organise all your code and data, that is R Projects. Those are specialised files that RStudio can use to store all the information it has on a specific project that you are working on – Environment, History, working directory, and much more, as we will see in the coming weeks.

In RStudio Server, in the Files tab of the bottom-left panel, click on Home to make sure you are in your home folder – if you are working on your own computer, create a folder for these practicals wherever most convenient. Click on New Folder and enter Practicals in the prompt dialogue, to create a folder named Practicals.

Select File > New Project … from the main menu, then from the prompt menu, New Directory, and then New Project. Insert Practical_201 as the directory name, and select the Practicals folder for the field Create project as subdirectory of. Finally, click Create Project.

RStudio has now created the project, and it should have activated it. If that is the case, the Files tab in the bottom-right panel should be in the Practical_201 folder, which contains only the Practical_201.Rproj file. The Practical_201.Rproj stores all the Environment information for the current project and all the project files (e.g., R scripts, data, output files) should be stored within the Practical_201 folder. Moreover, the Practical_201 is now your working directory, which means that you can refer to a file in the folder by using only its name and if you save a file that is the default directory where to save it.

On the top-right corner of RStudio, you should see a blue icon representing an R in a cube, next to the name of the project (Practical_201). That also indicates that you are within the Practical_201 project. Click on Practical_201 and select Close Project to close the project. Next to the R in a cube icon, you should now see Project: (None). Click on Project: (None) and select Practical_201 from the list to reactivate the Practical_201 project.

4.1.2 R Scripts

The RStudio console is handy to interact with the R interpreter and obtain results of operations and commands. However, moving from simple instructions to an actual program or scripts to conduct data analysis, the console is usually not sufficient anymore. In fact, the console is not a very comfortable way of providing long and complex instructions to the interpreter and editing past instructions when you want to change something. A better option to create programs or data analysis script of any significant size is to use the RStudio integrated editor to create an R script.

With the Practical_201 project activated, select from the top menu File > New File > R Script. That opens the embedded RStudio editor and a new empty R script folder. Copy the two lines below into the file. The first loads the tidyverse library, whereas the second loads another library that the code below uses to produce well-formatted tables.

From the top menu, select File > Save, type in My_first_script.R (make sure to include the underscore and the .R extension) as File name, and click Save. That is your first R script, congratulations!

New lines of code can be added to the file, and the whole script can then be executed. Edit the file by adding the line of code shown below, and save it. Then click the Source button on the top-right of the editor to execute the file. What happens the first time? What happens if you click Source again?

Alternatively, you can click on a specific line or select one or more lines, and click Run to execute only the selected line(s).

Delete the last line above from the script. In the following sections, add the code to the script to execute it, rather than using the console.

4.2 Install libraries

RStudio and RStudio Server come with a number of libraries already pre-installed. However, you might find yourself in the position of wanting to install additional libraries to work with.

The remainder of this practical requires the library nycflights13. To install it, select Tools > Install Packages… from the top menu. Insert nycflights13 in the Packages (separate multiple with space or comma) field and click install. RStudio will automatically execute the command install.packages("nycflights13") (so, no need to execute that yourself) and install the required library.

As usual, use the function library to load the newly installed library.

The library nycflights13 contains a dataset storing data about all the flights departed from New York City in 2013. The code below, loads the data frame flights from the library nycflights13 into the variable flights_from_nyc, using the :: operator to indicate that the data frame flights is situated within the library nycflights13.

Add both lines above to your R script, as well as the code snippets provided as an example below.

4.3 Data manipulation

The analysis below uses the dplyr library (also part of the Tidyverse), which it offers a grammar for data manipulation.

For instance, the function count can be used to count the number rows of a data frame. The code below provides flights_from_nyc as input to the function count through the pipe operator, thus creating a new tibble with only one row and one column.

As discussed in the previous lecture, a tibble is data type similar to data frames, used by all the Tidyverse libraries.

All Tidyverse functions output tibble rather than data.frame objects when representing a table. However, data.frame object can be provided as input, as they are automatically converted by Tidyverse functions before proceeding with the processing steps.

In the tibble outputted by the count function below, the column n provides the count. The function kable of the library knitr is used to produce a well-formatted table.


The example above already shows how the pipe operator can be used effectively in a multi-step operation.

The function count can also be used to count the number rows of a table that have the same value for a given column, usually representing a category.

In the example below, the column name origin is provided as an argument to the function count, so rows representing flights from the same origin are counted together – EWR is the Newark Liberty International Airport, JFK is the John F. Kennedy International Airport, and LGA is LaGuardia Airport.

origin n
EWR 120835
JFK 111279
LGA 104662

As you can see, the code above is formatted in a way similar to a code block, although it is not a code block. The code goes to a new line after every %>%, and space is added at the beginning of new lines. That is very common in R programming (especially when functions have many parameters) as it makes the code more readable.

4.3.1 Summarise

To carry out more complex aggregations, the function summarise can be used in combination with the function group_by to summarise the values of the rows of a data frame. Rows having the same value for a selected column (in the example below, the same origin) are grouped together, then values are aggregated based on the defined function (using one or more columns in the calculation).

In the example below, the function sum is applied to the column distance to calculate distance_traveled_from (the total distance travelled by flights starting from each airport).

origin distance_traveled_from
EWR 127691515
JFK 140906931
LGA 81619161

4.3.2 Select and filter

The function select can be used to select some columns to output. For instance in the code below, the function select is used to select the columns origin, dest, and dep_delay, in combination with the function top_n, which can be used to include only the first n rows (5 in the example below) to output.

origin dest dep_delay
JFK HNL 1301
EWR ORD 1126
JFK CMH 1137
JFK CVG 1005
JFK SFO 1014

The function filter can instead be used to filter rows based on a specified condition. In the example below, the output of the filter step only includes the rows where the value of month is 11 (i.e., the eleventh month, November).

origin dest year month day dep_delay
EWR ATL 2013 11 3 798
LGA DFW 2013 11 4 413
EWR RDU 2013 11 20 398
JFK MIA 2013 11 24 636
JFK BUF 2013 11 27 408

Notice how filter is used in combination with select. All functions in the dplyr library can be combined, in any other order that makes logical sense. However, if the select step didn’t include month, that same column couldn’t have been used in the filter step.

4.3.3 Mutate

The function manipulate can be used to add a new column to an output table. The mutate step in the code below adds a new column air_time_hours to the table obtained through the pipe, that is the flight air time in hours, dividing the flight air time in minutes by 60.

flight origin dest air_time air_time_hours
51 JFK HNL 691 11.51667
51 JFK HNL 686 11.43333
51 JFK HNL 683 11.38333
51 JFK HNL 686 11.43333
15 EWR HNL 695 11.58333

4.3.4 Arrange

The function arrange can be used to sort a tibble by ascending order of the values in the specified column. If the operator - is specified before the column name, the descending order is used. The code below would produce a table showing all the rows when ordered by descending order of air time.

Note that in the examples above, we have used top_n to present only the first n (in the examples 5) rows in a table. Note however, that top_n already incorporates an ordering functionality (see top_n reference page), which by default orders the rows according to the values in the last column of the table, and selects the n highest values but presenting them in the order in which they are found.

As such, the following code produces a table showing the 5 rows when ordered by descending (highest on top) order of air time.

flight origin dest air_time
15 EWR HNL 695
51 JFK HNL 691
51 JFK HNL 686
51 JFK HNL 686
51 JFK HNL 683

However, reversing the order of airtime and using top_n would still select the 5 highest values, but presented by ascending value.

flight origin dest air_time
51 JFK HNL 683
51 JFK HNL 686
51 JFK HNL 686
51 JFK HNL 691
15 EWR HNL 695

To obtain a table with the five lowest values ordered by ascending value, a minus should be added before the value specifying the number of rows (i.e., -5 instead of 5). If the table contains ties, all rows are presented, as it is the case with the rows containing the value 21 below.

flight origin dest air_time
4368 EWR BDL 20
4631 EWR BDL 20
4276 EWR BDL 21
4619 EWR PHL 21
4368 EWR BDL 21
4619 EWR PHL 21
2132 LGA BOS 21
3650 JFK PHL 21
4118 EWR BDL 21
4276 EWR BDL 21
4276 EWR BDL 21
4276 EWR BDL 21
4276 EWR BDL 21
4577 EWR BDL 21
6062 EWR BDL 21
3847 EWR BDL 21

4.4 Data manipulation example

Finally, the code below illustrates a more complex, multi-step operation using all the functions discussed above.

  1. Start from the flights_from_nyc data.
  2. Select origin, destination, departure delay, year, month, and day.
  3. Filter only rows referring to flights in November.
  4. Filter only rows where departure delay is not (notice that the negation operator ! is used) NA.
  • That is necessary because the function mean would return NA as output if any of the values in the column is NA.
  1. Group by destination.
  2. Calculated the average delay per destination.
  3. Add a column with the delay calculated in hours (minutes over 60).
  4. Sort the table by descending delay (note that - is used before the column name).
  5. Only show the first 5 rows.
  6. Create a well-formatted table.
dest avg_dep_delay avg_dep_delay_hours
SBN 67.50000 1.1250000
BDL 26.66667 0.4444444
CAK 19.70909 0.3284848
BHM 19.61905 0.3269841
DSM 16.14815 0.2691358

4.5 Exercise 3.1

Extend the code in the script My_first_script.R to include the code necessary to solve the questions below.

Question 3.1.1: Write a piece of code using the pipe operator and the dplyr library to generate a table showing the average air time in hours, calculated grouping flights by carrier, but only for flights starting from the JFK airport.

Question 3.1.2: Write a piece of code using the pipe operator and the dplyr library to generate a table showing the average arrival delay compared to the overall air time (tip: use manipulate to create a new column that takes the result of arr_delay / air_time) calculated grouping flights by carrier, but only for flights starting from the JFK airport.

Question 3.1.3: Write a piece of code using the pipe operator and the dplyr library to generate a table showing the average arrival delay compared to the overall air time calculated grouping flights by origin and destination, sorted by destination.

4.6 Solutions

An R Script including the solutions to the 3 questions above is available in the Exercise folder of the repository (201_X_Data_Wrangling1_Example.R).