42 Lecture 601

42.1 Clustering task

"Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning task that automatically divides the data into clusters , or groups of similar items". (Lantz, 2019)


  • Centroid-based
    • k-means
    • fuzzy c-means
  • Hierarchical
  • Mixed
    • bootstrap aggregating
  • Density-based
    • DBSCAN

42.3 k-means

k-mean clusters n observations in k clusters, minimising the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS)

Algorithm: k observations a randomly selected as initial centroids, then repeat

  • assignment step: observations are assigned to the closest centroids
  • update step: calculate means for each cluster to use as new the centroid

until centroids don’t change anymore, the algorithm has converged

42.4 K-means result

42.5 Fuzzy c-means

Fuzzy c-means is similar to k-means but allows for "fuzzy" membership to clusters

Each observation is assigned with a value per each cluster

  • usually from 0 to 1
  • indicates how well the observation fits within the cluster
  • i.e., based on the distance from the centroid

42.6 Fuzzy c-means

A “crisp” classification can be created by picking the highest membership value.

  • that also allows to set a membership threshold (e.g., 0.75)
  • leaving some observations without a cluster

42.7 Fuzzy c-means result

42.8 Hierarchical clustering

Algorithm: each object is initialised as, then repeat

  • join the two most similar clusters based on a distance-based metric
  • e.g., Ward’s (1963) approach is based on variance

until only one single cluster is achieved

42.9 Clustering tree

This approach generates a clustering tree (dendrogram), which can then be “cut” at the desired height

## integer(0)

42.10 Hierarchical clustering result

42.11 Bagged clustering

Bootstrap aggregating (b-agg-ed) clustering approach (Leisch, 1999)

  • first k-means on samples
  • then a hierarchical clustering of the centroids generated through the samples

42.12 Bagged clustering result

42.13 Density based clustering

DBSCAN (“density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise”) starts from an unclustered point and proceeds by aggregating its neighbours to the same cluster, as long as they are within a certain distance. (Ester et al, 1996)

42.14 DBSCAN result

42.15 Geodemographic classifications

In GIScience, the clustering is commonly used to create geodemographic classifications such as the 2011 Output Area Classification (Gale et al., 2016)

  • initial set of 167 prospective variables from the United Kingdom Census 2011
    • 86 were removed,
    • 41 were retained as they are
    • 40 were combined
    • final set of 60 variables.
  • k-means clustering approach to create
    • 8 supergroups
    • 26 groups
    • 76 subgroups.