2 R

2.1 R

Created in 1992 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand

  • Free, open-source implementation of S
    • statistical programming language
    • Bell Labs

  • Functional programming language
  • Supports (and commonly used as) procedural (i.e., imperative) programming
  • Object-oriented
  • Interpreted (not compiled)

2.2 Interpreting values

When values and operations are inputted in the Console, the interpreter returns the results of its interpretation of the expression

## [1] 2
## [1] "String value"

2.3 Basic types

R provides three core data types

  • numeric
    • both integer and real numbers
  • character
    • i.e., text, also called strings
  • logical
    • TRUE or FALSE

2.4 Numeric operators

R provides a series of basic numeric operators

Operator Meaning Example Output
+ Plus 5 + 2 7
- Minus 5 - 2 3
* Product 5 * 2 10
/ Division 5 / 2 2.5
%/% Integer division 5 %/% 2 2
%% Module 5 %% 2 1
^ Power 5^2 25

## [1] 7

2.5 Logical operators

R provides a series of basic logical operators to test

Operator Meaning Example Output
== Equal 5 == 2 FALSE
!= Not equal 5 != 2 TRUE
> (>=) Greater (or equal) 5 > 2 TRUE
< (<=) Less (or equal) 5 <= 2 FALSE

## [1] TRUE

2.6 Variables

Variables store data and can be defined

  • using an identifier (e.g., a_variable)
  • on the left of an assignment operator <-
  • followed by the object to be linked to the identifier
  • such as a value (e.g., 1)

The value of the variable can be invoked by simply specifying the identifier.

## [1] 1

2.7 Algorithms and functions

An algorithm or effective procedure is a mechanical rule, or automatic method, or programme for performing some mathematical operation (Cutland, 1980).

A program is a specific set of instructions that implement an abstract algorithm.

The definition of an algorithm (and thus a program) can consist of one or more functions

  • set of instructions that preform a task
  • possibly using an input, possibly returning an output value

Programming languages usually provide pre-defined functions that implement common algorithms (e.g., to find the square root of a number or to calculate a linear regression)

2.8 Functions

Functions execute complex operations and can be invoked

  • specifying the function name
  • the arguments (input values) between simple brackets
    • each argument corresponds to a parameter
    • sometimes the parameter name must be specified
## [1] 1.414214
## [1] 1.41

2.9 Functions and variables

  • functions can be used on the right side of <-
  • variables and functions can be used as arguments
## [1] 1.414214
## [1] 1.41
## [1] 1.41

2.10 Naming

When creating an identifier for a variable or function

  • R is a case sensitive language
    • UPPER and lower case are not the same
    • a_variable is different from a_VARIABLE
  • names can include
    • alphanumeric symbols
    • . and _
  • names must start with
    • a letter

2.11 Coding style

A coding style is a way of writing the code, including

  • how variable and functions are named
    • lower case and _
  • how spaces are used in the code
  • which libraries are used

Study the Tidyverse Style Guid and use it consistently!

2.12 R libraries

Libraries are collections of functions and/or datasets.

  • installed in R using the function install.packages
  • loaded using the function library
  • every script needs to load all the library that it uses

The meta-library Tidyverse contains many libraries, including stringr.

2.13 stringr

R provides some basic functions to manipulate strings, but the stringr library provides a more consistent and well-defined set

## [1] 9
## [1] TRUE
## [1] "Lxicxstxr"

2.14 The pipe operator

The Tidyverse also provide a clean and effective way of combining multiple manipulation steps

The pipe operator %>%

  • takes the result from one function
  • and passes it to the next function
  • as the first argument
  • that doesn’t need to be included in the code anymore

2.15 Pipe example

2.16 Pipe example

The two codes below are equivalent

  • the first simply invokes the functions
  • the second uses the pipe operator %>%
## [1] 1.41
## [1] 1.41